Yang Yunying, a 19-year-old girl who suffered from neurofibromatosis, is from a mountainous village 1430 meters above sea level in Yunnan province, China. The first symptoms appeared when Yunying was 1-year-old. It started as a small lump, slowly it grew in size and a huge turgid tumor emerged on the right half of her face. 

Ever since Yunying first presented symptoms, her parents had searched everywhere for a medical professional who might be able to help. Meanwhile, they tried all kinds of treatments, including traditional herbal medicine but the results were unsatisfying. The tumors kept growing and pressure from the tumors on Yunying’s face and brain, and causing balance loss and learning disabilities. 

Until 2012, Yunying was referred by Taiwan Christian Medical Association to the NCF Taiwan. In 2012, Yunying completed her 1st phase of treatment, including 4 surgeries, at the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. Yunying’s tumor was visibly much smaller after the course of treatment. The 2nd phase of treatment followed in 2013. Yunying had her right eye socket made symmetrical with the left one, an artificial eye fitted, and eyebrows transplanted.