The NCF began collaborating with the National Pediatric Hospital of Phnom Penh, Cambodia's capital city, since year 2000, assisting with training of the hospital's seed medical practitioners and carrying out 1-2 cleft missions each year. To date, the NPH cleft lip and palate medical team has become quite mature and proficient. At the end of 2005, the team worked with the NCF's cleft mission medical team and carried out their first outreach mission, sharing their cleft lip and palate medical achievements with hospitals in remote areas of Cambodia. This was a very significant milestone and also proved the effectiveness of the NCF's seed practitioner training strategy.
Moreover, in accordance with the local culture and difference in medical system, the NCF also began smaller collaborating projects in mid-2005, offering local impoverished patients subsidies for living costs during operations, travel expenses, and reward money for surgeons. An additional local social worker/clinical coordinator was hired in 2008 to focus on the post-surgery follow-ups of patients and other administrative work, allowing patients to receive better post-surgery care.
- Population: 16.4 million
- Population growth rate: 1.5 %
- Average life expectancy: 69.8 years old
- Land area: 181,000
- Average national income (GNI per capita, Atlas method): US$1,530
(Sources: World Bank, 2019)
Current Status and Achievements
Current major collaboration projects:Seed medical practitioner training
Cleft missions
Impoverished patient subsidies for living costs
Travel expenses
Allowance for surgeons
National Pediatric Hospital (Phnom Penh)
- Contact person: Ms. Alin, Coordinator
- Address: Surgical Department, #100 Russian Blvd, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
- Contact number: +855-17-989-691