The NCF will adhere to the belief that “love has no boundaries” and aperiodically sponsor overseas craniofacial patients to come to Taiwan for treatments. In 2003, the foundation sponsored Kaboré Vincent from Africa to receive treatment for facial neurofibroma. Kaboré Vincent welcomed a new life with a brand new face as he returned to his hometown. In 2010, craniofacial child patient Mitho from Myanmar also came to Taiwan for congenital bilateral facial cleft, cleft lip and palate, orbital hypertelorism and other congenital craniofacial deformities treatments with the help of the NCF, writing a new chapter in Mitho's life. The NCF successfully spread its love and care by sponsoring overseas craniofacial patients to come to Taiwan or transfer patients to local seed medical team for treatment. Aside from cleft lip and palate patients, the foundation would also like to serve more craniofacial patients around the world and hope that Taiwan's compassion can continue to grow in more and more places.

The NCF is also actively involved in hosting medical and international non-profit organization conferences. The foundation is able to share the NCF and the Chang Gung medical team's experiences through exchanges at these international academic conferences, hopefully further improve the seed medical practitioners’ medical knowledge and skills. The NCF hopes to share the foundation and the Chang Gung medical team's valuable experiences with more professionals via a different method of academic exchange by integrating the resources of non-profit organizations in Taiwan.

Year  Name Nationality Diagnosis
2002 Mark Philippines Encephalocele
2002 Kevin Mauritius Crouzon
2003, 2006 Kaboré Vincent Burkina Faso Neurofibroma
2010 Mitho Myanmar Congenital facial cleft, Hypertelorism
2011 Bibi Laiba Pakistan Congenital facial cleft, Hypertelorism
2012, 2013, 2015 Yang Yunying China Neurofibromatosis association with Moyamoya Disease
2017 Sanjaasuren Zorigtbaatar Mongolia Congenital malformation of skull bone
2017 Novel Samuel Siagian Indonesia Bilateral cleft lip & palate (multiple surgery failures)
2017 Langley Beniata & Iotebwa Kantaro Kiribati Cleft lip & palate
2018 Manrenga Taraia, Langley Beniata & Iotebwa Kantaro Kiribati Cleft lip & palate
2022 Bat-Ochir Batmunkh Mongolia Rare congenital multiple anomalies as Apert’s syndrome